Shipping cost calculator

Please first choose the shipping country. On base of that selection and the provided value of goods we can calculate your final total All prices have VAT included

Shipping country:
Current value of goods: EUR 0,00
Free shipping starting with EUR 350,00
Calculated shipping cost: EUR 10,50
Calculated payment cost: EUR 0,00

Calculated total: EUR 10,50

Available shipping methods:
Available payment methods:
Orders outside of Germany:
For each order abroad we provide an individual offer due to the complexity of our product portfolios. This contains your selected products as well as transport & dispatch, in addition structure and training course service, depending upon your need. We ask you therefore to formally continue the order process, not regarding the procedure as an obligatory order, but as a product inquiry - to which we accordingly react then with our offer. Thus we ensure a high level customer service with lowest costs for additional expenses like transport and/or our customers abroad & service - please you pay attention to the correct input of your contact data. Thank you, sincerely yours Schairer Ophthal-Technics-Team.

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